4 Impactful Data for Good Projects of 2022: Finding Purpose in Tech

At Appsilon, we are <b>passionate </b>about technology, open source, and building great software. We enjoy tackling difficult problems, but we also want our work to have <b>meaning </b>and make a <b>positive impact</b>. By striving for fulfillment through <b>making a difference</b>, we find true satisfaction in our work. In this spirit, we use our skillset in technology to help solve critical problems in the world. Appsilon's <a href="https://appsilon.com/data-for-good/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><b>Data for Good</b></a> program was created with this goal in mind: <b>Using technology to improve life on Earth</b>. Jump to selected Data for Good projects of 2022: <ul><li><a href="#mbaza">Mbaza AI Project</a></li><li><a href="#forests">Future Forests Shiny Project</a></li><li><a href="#plankton">Plankton Research Machine Learning Project</a></li><li><a href="#shag">Antarctic Nests Remote Sensing Computer Vision Project</a></li></ul> <hr /> <h2>Appsilon's Data for Good Program</h2> Data for Good is our investment to identify the best projects for us to contribute and deliver on our purpose. This program has a dedicated leader, budget, and allocated time from our technical team, along with support from the entire team, including the board. <h3>Developing Purpose with Data for Good</h3> I'm aware of the world's challenges, from record-high temperatures to longer, more intense wildfires and unprecedented biodiversity loss. But I also keep my hope and grow my determination because of the progress and momentum we see in sustainability. I’m proud of our impact so far, and I’m excited to see what we can achieve in the future! 💙🌎 When it comes to sustainability, biodiversity, and the climate, there is much to be done, and we are always looking for partners to team up with and take on these challenges. If you'd like in on that journey, let's connect and collaborate! <h2>Standout Achievements from the Data for Good Program in 2022</h2> <img class="alignnone wp-image-17688 size-thumbnail" src="https://webflow-prod-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/6525256482c9e9a06c7a9d3c%2F65b01bd544295a0f33218213_Mbaza-AI-Gabon-D4G-150x150.webp" alt="Mbaza AI Gabon Icon" width="150" height="150" /> <h3 id="mbaza">1) <a href="https://appsilon.com/data-for-good/mbaza-ai/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Mbaza AI</a> - Keystone Project in the Data for Good Program</h3> Assisting scientists from the University of Stirling and conservationists in Gabon by simplifying and speeding up the process of analyzing images from camera traps to monitor biodiversity with the help of an open-source AI algorithm, Mbaza AI. With over 500k images analyzed using Mbaza AI to date, we are able to provide valuable insight into the distribution and ecological data for many of the country’s mammals and understand the impact of land use planning on wildlife in the long term. In 2022, we released a long-awaited update of the app. <a href="https://t.co/5O6adNS0Fs" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Version 2.0.0</a> brought numerous improvements. <img class="alignnone wp-image-17686 size-thumbnail" src="https://webflow-prod-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/6525256482c9e9a06c7a9d3c%2F65b01c0c67ce14432ee47ede_Trees-Future-Forests-D4G-150x150.webp" alt="Future Forests Trees Icon" width="150" height="150" /> <h3 id="forests">2) <a href="https://connect.appsilon.com/future-forests/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Future Forests</a> - Climate Research Awareness Project</h3> We partnered with the Institute of Dendrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences to raise awareness of climate change’s impact on European forests. We were able to visualize the predicted climatic optima for select European tree species by 2070 under different climate scenarios. Our team presented this complex research in an <a href="https://appsilon.com/accessible-research-with-r-shiny/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">accessible and actionable</a> way. <img class="alignnone wp-image-17684 size-thumbnail" src="https://webflow-prod-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/6525256482c9e9a06c7a9d3c%2F65b01c0e3a154c0fa972f5df_Copepods-Plankton-D4G-150x150.webp" alt="Plankton Research - Copepod Icon" width="150" height="150" /> <h3 id="plankton">3) <a href="https://appsilon.com/monitoring-marine-ecosystems-with-machine-learning/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Plankton Research</a> - Marine Ecosystems Climate Response Project</h3> This project highlighted the value of collaboration with unique skillsets and domain knowledge. We developed a machine learning model in partnership with marine biologists, to quickly identify and estimate the lipid content of plankton from photographs. This helps researchers monitor the effects of climate change on marine ecosystems more efficiently. By understanding how much lipids zooplankton are able to accumulate, we can gauge how much energy is available in the ecosystem, and improve reaction time to an evolving crisis. <img class="alignnone wp-image-17690 size-thumbnail" src="https://webflow-prod-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/6525256482c9e9a06c7a9d3c%2F65b01c10ebb65105dffdb420_Shags-Antarctic-D4G-150x150.webp" alt="Antarctic Bird Nests - Shag Icon" width="150" height="150" /> <h3 id="shags">4) <a href="https://appsilon.com/yolo-counting-nests-antarctic-birds/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Counting Antarctic Bird Nests</a> - Remotely Sensed Keystone Species Project</h3> We partnered with ecologists at the Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station to test computer vision techniques for counting shags nests with high accuracy. Automating this process saved time and resources for the scientists, allowing them to focus on other important tasks. <h2>Positive Impacts And A Brighter Future with Data for Good Projects</h2> Our Data for Good program empowers scientists and conservationists to scale their research and impact by providing them with the tools they need to drive positive change. By working directly with them we avoid the risk of solving imaginary problems and instead focus on creating real solutions for real needs. We are grateful to our partners, through whom we’ve been able to focus on creating solutions that truly make a difference. Their shared commitment to making the world a better place inspires us. We also share that goal, and so equip them with the tools to drive positive change and foster innovation for the benefit of all. With access to data analytics and artificial intelligence tools, together we can bring change and positive impact. Last year was a great example of how collaborative efforts can make a difference. I'm very proud of what our Appsilon team has achieved and excited to continue our growth. With an expanding team, our Data for Good program is positioned to continue making positive impacts. We've accomplished a lot, but there is still much more to do. We are committed to using the power of data and technology for the greater good. We look forward to working together with our partners and collaborators to make this world better. Let’s make 2023 a year of positive impact! - Filip, Appsilon CEO & Co-Founder